Farhad Hasan | Forum Posts
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Forum Posts

Farhad Hasan
Jul 28, 2022
In Welcome to the Forum
Select segments, anchor points and how not to edit them. Y key: with this key we activate the magic wand tool , this allows us to select several elements with the same fill or stroke color, stroke thickness, opacity, etc. You just have to click on an object and it will select all the ones that have, for example, the same fill color. R key: using the r key we activate the rotate tool . The default rotation will be from the center point of the object. In case we need to rotate from another part of the object we just have to click on the desired area to change the rotation point. Space bar or h key: thanks to these keys we can work with the hand tool to be able to move around the adobe illustrator workspace. Personally, i recommend holding down the space bar plus a long left mouse click to move. This way we can continue using the tool we are working with whatsapp number list without having to go back to it as it would happen in the case of using the hand tool (h). O key: by pressing this key we can select the reflection tool . The operation is very similar to the rotate tool if we use it with a selected element. P key: we will press this key to quickly select the pen tool . If after making our drawing with the pen tool we want to add or delete we just have to press the + or - key while we have the pen tool selected. B key: if we press this key we have access to the brush tool to create vector strokes. G key: this is the key with which we can activate the gradient tool. If we have an object selected and we press the g key, we only have to click with the left mouse button to apply the gradient. K key: pressing this key activates the interactive painting tool . This tool allows us to apply color as if using a color tool, without taking into account the layers or the stacking order of the objects, that is, in a more natural and faster way. T key: this is the key that we
The default rotation will be Whatsapp Number List content media

Farhad Hasan

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